
Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I encourage my 1040 clients to email me with tax questions during the year. I generally do not charge for answering these questions. I would rather have a client ask me a question first before going off and doing something that could prove to be “tax foolish”. It could save me time and agita in the future, so it is worth offering this service free to clients. However, if a client question involves extensive research I do charge at my normal hourly rate.

As a “tax blogger” I also welcome general tax questions, which I can use as the basis of a posting or answer under the ASK THE TAX PRO heading.

What I do not solicit, nor welcome, are emails from strangers with specific tax questions for which I am expected to provide detailed answers, with Tax Code references, free of charge.

1. I make my living as a professional tax preparer and consultant. This is how I pay my bills. Would you email a doctor you have never met out of the blue and ask for a free diagnosis?

2. I am absolutely, positively not looking for any new 1040 clients. I already have more than I need.

If you want someone to do tax research for you I suggest you contact the National Association of Tax Professionals Research Department. They will provide detailed tax research for a minimum of $49.50 per question.

Or, more appropriate, ask your own tax preparer and pay him/her for his/her time.


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