
Friday, June 26, 2009


According to the New York Times, "New Jersey lawmakers passed a $29 billion budget largely along partisan lines on Thursday night that will increase taxes by almost $1 billion, eliminate property-tax deductions for the wealthiest citizens and pare billions from health care, higher education and other programs".
Taxpayers get higher taxes and less services while the bloated politicians continue to wallow in pork.
Here are some of the highlights, based on what I have read so far this morning -
* A one-year state income tax increase on individuals making more than $400,000 a year, moving the top tax rate to 10.25%.
* At least for a year taxpayers with incomes of more than $250,000 a year will no longer be able to deduct their property taxes. Those making between $150,000 and $250,000 will be able to deduct a maximum of $5,000.
* Individuals who win $10,000 or more in the NJ State Lottery will be taxed on the winnings (previously NJ Lottery winnings were exempt from NJ state income tax).
* Limiting the NJ Homestead Rebate to households earning less than $75,000, and eliminating altogether tax rebates for renters (like me) - except, presumably, seniors and the disabled.
* Taxes will go up by 12.5 cents per pack on cigarettes and 25% on hard liquor and wine.
Republican State Senator Christopher Bateman of Somerset County summed up the new budget excellently - "This is only going to add additional pain to the taxpayers, who are suffocating now with taxes".
Pennsylvania looks more attractive every day!

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