
Thursday, September 3, 2009


I admit it! I watch TLC’s WHAT NOT TO WEAR with Stacy and Clinton. I suppose you can say it is my “guilty pleasure”.
Wait now – I do not consider WNTW to be in the excremental genre improperly called “realty tv”. The purpose of the show is not to humiliate for the mere sake of humiliation. While participants’ fashion faux pas are initially laughed at by hosts, family and friends, the individual’s good side and good works are expressed and affirmed and the purpose of the hour is to show how much better she can, and eventually does, look by following “the rules”.

I think of it as a “wardrobe improvement” show, akin to the “home improvement” shows on HGTV and DYI and FLN.
My only concern with the show is that it says that, in exchange for throwing/giving away your current faulty wardrobe, you will get a free $5,000 brand new wardrobe from the show. This is not true. There ain’t no such thing as a totally free lunch!
What is really happening is that the participant is getting a $5,000 brand new wardrobe for only about $1,500 or so.
The $5,000 wardrobe that the participant receives is a “prize” and is fully taxable on the recipient’s federal and state income tax returns. Just like the “free” SUV that Oprah’s audience got a while back. The $5,000 value of the wardrobe is subject to perhaps 25% federal income tax and maybe 5% in state income tax. So the recipient will be “out of pocket” about $1,500.
Remember that the naked fat idiot Richard Hatch went to federal prison for forgetting to report his $1 Million prize from SURVIVOR on his 1040.
Before I end – just as with my love of the Broadway Musical, do not read anything into my watching WNTW. I am also a fan of Judy Garland and Bette Midler – but, believe me, I would rather sleep with Bette Midler than do her hair!

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