
Friday, October 16, 2009


A recent rather disturbing blog post came right out and stated that because I am not a CPA or a lawyer I, and a large multitude of other “unenrolled” tax prepares like me, am not a tax “professional”.
What bullshit!
The offending post itself provides the following definitions -
"Merriam-Webster defines profession as follows:
1 a : of, relating to, or characteristic of a profession b : engaged in one of the learned professions c (1) : characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace.
Investor Words.Com defines profession as,
An occupation, especially one which requires an advanced education
Am I a professional?
I prepare tax returns. I consider this to be a “profession”. It required advanced education, which I received via on-the-job training, passing a course by an established education provider in the area of tax preparation some 35 years ago, and extensive on-going CPE classes over 37 years (not because I am required to take such classes, but because of my professional commitment to keeping up-to-date). So I am engaged in a profession.
As a member of the National Association of Tax Professionals I must conform to the Association’s Standards of Professional Conduct. And as a tax preparer I am subject to preparer penalties if I do not adhere to various standards of conduct outlined in IRS Circular 230. In 38 tax seasons my professionalism or my tax preparation has never been questioned or "punished" by the IRS.
I like to think I exhibit a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in “the workplace”. I have certainly attempted such exhibition in my blog postings.
So what gives this pompous arse the right to say that I, and those like me, are not “professionals”. This has been an ongoing crusade of his, but he has certainly gone too far in this instance.
To use the same Miriam Webster online dictionary – the definition of an accountant is-
1: one that gives an account or is accountable; 2: one who is skilled in the practice of accounting or who is in charge of public or private accounts.
I don’t see the term “Certified Public Accountant” anywhere in the definition. By this definition I am also an accountant.
Another fellow tax blogger had the following to say in response to this offensive post, using her background in teaching as an example –
I have worked with many terrific school teachers over the past two decades. Some of those terrific teachers whom I know and admire work in public schools and others work in private schools.

Public school teachers are all licensed by the state. Some of the private school teachers are not licensed by the state, but they have advanced degrees and many years of experience.

The public school teachers say that there was very little value in many of the methods courses required for their certification. I do not see that acquiring such certification would make the private school teachers I know any more “professional” than they already are.

In some states, certified teachers are legally allowed to teach high school subjects other than those in which they have been trained and certified.

So much for state certification and regulation as a guarantee of professionalism

I trust my fellow bloggers and “tax professionals” will join me in admonishing this cafone. His behavior in writing this post is certainly not “professional”!

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