
Thursday, December 17, 2009


I am sure there are many of you out there who are wondering what to get me for Christmas. Well how about more visitors to THE WANDERING TAX PRO!

Think about this -

If I told 10 friends to visit THE WANDERING TAX PRO –

And they each told ten friends to visit THE WANDERING TAX PRO –

And they each told ten friends to visit THE WANDERING TAX PRO, and it stopped there - that would mean 1000 new visitors to my blog!

But if it didn't stop - and each ten in turn told ten more - than eventually everyone in the US with internet access would have checked out THE WANDERING TAX PRO!

Why not give it a try!

If you find THE WANDERING TAX PRO interesting and/or helpful please email 10 friends and ask them to check out the blog. You may want to suggest a particular post that you found especially helpful. And ask them to email 10 of their friends about THE WANDERING TAX PRO if they like what they find. And so on.
