
Sunday, January 31, 2010


Joy to the world - tax season’s here.
I’ll soon be flush with cash!
Let every client be organized,
and give me all I need, and give me all I need,
and give me all I need to prepare their returns!
My 39th tax season will officially begin tomorrow - the floodgates will soon be open!
As is my custom, due to the demands of the filing season I will be taking my annual “tax season hiatus” from posting to THE WANDERING TAX PRO and the NJ TAX PRACTICE BLOG and INTERNET GUIDE TO IRS SCHEDULE E. Between now and April 15th I barely have time to relieve myself let alone blog! However, in order to maintain my spot on Alltop’s Tax page I will be posting every 20 days or so. I most likely will be doing “re-runs” – unless there is breaking tax news to report.
I realize that I am abandoning you at a time when you may need me the most – but I need to make a living!
I find it a bit amusing that the period of time when TWTP gets the most “hits” is during the tax filing season when I am not posting.
My clients should visit the WHERE THE FAKAWI Page on my tax practice website to keep up-to-date on my progress during the season and to learn of any changes or additions to my tax season policies and procedures.
“Talk” to you when it is all over!
BTW – be sure to stop by tomorrow for the annual posting of my TWELVE DAYS OF TAX SEASON!