
Monday, August 27, 2018


I am truly saddened by the loss of John McCain.

There could not have been two more polar opposite public officials than John McCain and Donald Trump.

John McCain was a true hero. A man of integrity and courage who devoted his entire life to serving his country unselfishly and with honor in the Navy and in Congress. America and the world are better because he lived.

Trump is a totally worthless piece of garbage, a narcissist and a sociopath who never performed a single positive or unselfish act in his life. He lies every time he opens his mouth and continues to destroy the honor, integrity and credibility of America and the office of the President every day he remains in office.

The passing of John McCain also represents the death of the Republican Party as a credible and intelligent political organization.  The party of Reagan and McCain is now truly the party of Donald T Rump – a party of lies, dishonor and disrespect.

True words from the recent editorial “The Full-Spectrum Corruption of Donald Trump: Everyone and everything he touches rots” by a respected individual who served in the previous three Republican administrations (highlights are mine) -
"A party that once spoke with urgency and apparent conviction about the importance of ethical leadership — fidelity, honesty, honor, decency, good manners, setting a good example — has hitched its wagon to the most thoroughly and comprehensively corrupt individual who has ever been elected president.

Some of the men who have been elected president have been unscrupulous in certain areas — infidelity, lying, dirty tricks, financial misdeeds — but we’ve never before had the full-spectrum corruption we see in the life of Donald Trump."

It is vital for the future of America and the world to register to vote – and vote in the November elections against ANY candidate that refuses to denounce Donald T Rump.  Candidates for national and statewide elections who support and defend the Trump Presidency MUST be defeated.  


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