
Thursday, September 6, 2018


The fact that Donald T Rump is a totally self-absorbed, mentally unstable moron is obvious.

The NY Times anonymous op-ed is reassuring in that it confirms many people working in the Administration at various levels do actually acknowledge this obvious fact and are working to curb and limit the damage Trump is doing.  Clearly things could have been a lot worse if Trump had been left totally unchecked.

It confirms what I have said – the fact that the government actually continues to function, and that anything positive that happens, is truly DESPITE and not BECAUSE OF Trump.

It also confirms that opposition and denouncement of Trump is NOT political.  Government employees and officials opposing and denouncing Trump is not partisan politics - it truly is patriotism.  The writer of the op-ed is clearly a Republican who supports traditional Republican politics and the traditional Republican “agenda”.

While I am glad that this resistance exists, and thankful that there are those inside the White House who have prevented and continue to prevent Donald T Rump from acting out on the worst of his ignorance, incompetence and mental instability, I acknowledge that they are still, like all Republicans, putting Party above patriotism and using Trump for their own political ends instead of acting properly and officially in full view testifying to his ignorance, incompetence and instability.

Because Trump is as unfit, unstable and dangerous as he has been proven to be (something I knew all along – even before the primaries), and has now been doubly confirmed, the clear solution is not to merely keep him in check but to get rid of him ASAP.

The op-ed raises the issue of the 25th Amendment.  Constitutional crisis be damned – this option MUST be seriously considered and acted upon.

The Republicans in Congress MUST end their silent consent of Trump’s madness and publicly oppose and denounce him and join with Democrats to remove him from office ASAP.

For now, until Republican leadership actually speaks out and acts, it is vitally important, perhaps more important than ever before, that Americans register to vote and actually vote in November AGAINST all Republican candidates.


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