Friday, March 1, 2013


One month down - one and a half to go!
As I say good-bye to February I have either done, received, or made arrangements with almost half of my client list. 
I have completed 84 returns.  That is only an average of 3 per day.  I need to double that average! 
And there are not too many red-files (need more information).  I have been keeping on top of them - and completing the returns as the information arrives. 
I am too tired to count the number of returns in the "to be done" box - but they are piling up.  So don't be surprised if I add some additional "locked behind closed doors" days - or even a full week - before mid-March.
As it is every Wednesday I am "locked behind closed doors" and totally unavailable - so don't call me on a Wednesday!
OK - now back to work!

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