Monday, October 26, 2020


* The IRS has released the draft of the 2020 Instructions for Form 1040 and Form 1040-SR.  Click here


* I know it may be a bit early for this, but William Perez identifies “Federal Income Tax Deadlines in 2021” at THE BALANCE.


* Check out my new blog post at FRIENDS OF THEATRE AND ART – “It’s A Musical!”.


* Kay Bell reports Californians dealing with latest round of wildfires get federal tax relief, new Jan. 15,2021 due date” at DON’T MESS WITH TAXES.


Californians in seven counties ravaged by wildfires now have until Jan. 15, 2021, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments


New round of fires, new tax relief: The affected California counties, as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), are Fresno, Los Angeles, Madera, Mendocino, San Bernardino, San Diego and Siskiyou.”


* And Kay explains that, in anticipation of a second round of stimulus checks this year (perhaps wishful thinking), according to the IRS “Nov. 10 is national COVID economic relief registration day” for “non-filers”.


* In a previous BUZZ I referenced a post from Russ Fox on the FUBAR FBAR.  Russ tells us about a recent FU by FINCEN (the Financial Crimes Enforcement Agency) that changes the original filing deadline in “Forgot to File the FBAR? A Typo Gives You Two More Weeks”.  


* The TAX FOUNDATION has published its "2021 State Business Tax Climate Index".  


Like Oliver Twist, New Jersey is last on the list!


* Here, from Kay Bell, is a chart of the IRS announced disaster victims' revised 2019 tax return filing deadlines - 

Iowa derecho — extended returns due by Dec. 15, 2020

California wildfires (August) — extended returns due by Dec. 15, 2020

Louisiana areas hit by Laura — extended returns due by Dec. 31, 2020

Oregon wildfires — extended returns due Jan. 15, 2021

Alabama areas hit by Sally — extended returns due Jan. 15, 2021

California wildfires (September) — extended returns due Jan. 15, 2021

Louisiana areas hit by Delta — extended returns due Feb. 16, 2021



Not to take away or minimize Trump’s deplorability and despicability – but Trump does what he does because of his narcissism, his delusions of superiority and entitlement, and his mental instability.


Perhaps those who explain, defend and enable Trump are more deplorable and despicable because they make a conscious decision to do it.


Trump or his enablers - who stinketh the most?



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