Thursday, December 21, 2006


While I generally don’t agree with Rosie O’Donnell, and am not a fan, I give her a “right on!” for her recent comments about Trump.

"Left the first wife, had an affair, left the second wife, had an affair. Had kids both times, but he's the moral compass for 20-year olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend."

She went on to say, "He inherited a lot of money. wait a minute, and he's been bankrupt so many times where he didn't have to pay. ... I just think that this man is sort of like one of those, you know, snake oil salesman in LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE.”

The other day Trump decided to overlook the current Miss USA’s “indiscretions” and let her keep her crown in a press conference reported on Page 1 of local newspapers as if it were actual news, and as if anyone actually gave a damn. “The Donald” could care less about Miss USA, morality or second chances. He hasn’t gotten much press lately, thank the Lord, and just wanted to show-off himself and his “God-like” forgiveness in a public forum.

Speaking of Trump, did you hear that he is launching a new line of TRUMP ICE CREAM. This new project is especially close to the conceited one. Not only will the ice cream bear his name, but the actual product will be made from the millionaire’s own feces. Trump is also finalizing plans to bottle his flatulence to be used in a new men’s cologne.

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