Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It has become a regular habit for the idiots in Congress to wait until literally the very last minute each year, after the IRS has gone to press with forms and instructions, to pass a temporary extension of a temporary tax break or benefit.

When they do this the IRS must incur additional costs to reprint forms, tables, and instructions to reflect the last minute extensions.  And I expect other federal agencies also incur additional expenses.  This adds to the annual, and accumulated, budget deficit.

I propose that the total amount of these additional costs, a direct result of the idiots in Congress not doing their job properly, be added up and subtracted from the compensation paid to these idiots.

Maybe if the fools take a personal hit in the pocketbook they will decide to act more responsibly!       


Anonymous said...

Memphis Tax Man will second that motion to go into effect immediately.Too late. Let's get it in place for next year !!!

Tom said...

Sounds good but the only problem is that Con-Gress would have to pass it upon themselves and you know that ain't happening...

tax return preparation said...

I truly love this idea, I think its perfect!

Unknown said...

Seems to me the people have spoken....