Saturday, August 19, 2023



There is not, and never has been, a legitimate, intelligent or acceptable reason, political or otherwise, for anyone to support Trump’s bid for the White House, past or present.
Donald J Trump is a totally worthless piece of excrement, completely devoid of intelligence, integrity and humanity, who does not possess a single redeeming positive human qualify or value, and who has never performed a single totally unselfish act in his entire adult life.
It is obvious that Trump doesn’t care one ounce about anything or any one other than himself.  His only agenda is to feed his ego and line his pockets.
In our country’s history no one single individual has done more damage to America, the American people, American democracy, and American values than Donald J Trump.
Any person who continues to support Trump is either a moron, a racist, has no conscience, or, like Trump himself, all three apply.
And he or she is a traitor to America and the Constitution.


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