* Were you following Russ Fox’s annual “Bozo Tax Tips” series at TAXABLE TALK?
* Kay Bell tells us “Fake business tax credits, bogus charities, and phishing and smishing all make the2024 IRS Dirty Dozen list” at DON’T MESS WITH TAXES.
* And Kay was also “Checking out the 2023 tax returns of Biden and Harris”.
* Michael Cohn reports “IRS free tax pilot enticed 140K taxpayers” at ACCOUNTING TODAY -
“ . . . 90% of respondents ranked their experience with Direct File as excellent or above average, and 90% of the respondents who used customer support also ranked the experience as excellent or above average.”
I have been calling for this type of program for years. I look forward to its universal availability next tax season.
* Kay Bell also discusses the pilot program in “Direct File usage exceeded expectations, but future of IRS-run free tax prep program unclear” -
“While Ways and Means Democrats were receptive to Direct File and Yellen’s comments, GOP members were less enthusiastic. Republicans questioned the cost of the program, as did some of the private sector tax software companies.”
It is no surprise that commercial tax preparation software companies oppose a free Direct File program – it is bad for business. And no surprise it is opposed by GOP politicians – either because they oppose anything, however good or appropriate, that is backed by Democrats and, more cynically, because they are probably financially backed by the software companies.
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