Tuesday, August 16, 2022


* A new to me blog, HENRY AND HORNE TAX INSIGHTS, discusses the “Business meal deduction 2022 – what you should know”.  It points out (highlight is mine) -

In 2021, the business meal deduction was enhanced to a 100% deductible expense to help the restaurant industry which was heavily impacted by COVID-19. This was an incentive for business owners to eat out at restaurants for business-related events and capitalize on a 100% deduction for their 2021 taxes. Tax year 2022 will be no different. As it still stands businesses can deduct the entire cost of business-related food and beverages from restaurants, including taxes and tips.”

A reminder – employee business expenses are no longer deductible on Schedule A, so the business meal deduction only applies to business schedules (C, E and F) and returns (1120, 1120S, 1065).

* Kay Bell reports “Missouri flood victims get new Nov. 15 tax deadline” at DON’T MESS WITH TAXES.
* One more reminder to check out the August “issue” of BOBSERVATIONS, if you have not already done so.
Please share it with your friends, family and colleagues.  And let me know your thoughts and comments.
* The NATP BLOG tells us “Congress passes Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Here are 6 tax takeaways.”
I am waiting for the NATP to produce a summary of the Act.  When they do I will post on what this means for 2022 Forms 1040 and 1040-SR in more detail.  
* Jim Blankenship explains “Your Social Security Benefits Statement” at GETTING YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW.
You should check this statement every 3 years to make none of your earnings are missing.  Years ago, clients, coincidently officers of the Social Security employee’s union, discovered their small annual wages from the union were not included in their statements.
* Andy Ives discusses the rules related to the “Year-Of-Death RMD” at the SLOTT REPORT.

In 2022 you can either support and defend democracy, the Constitution and the rule of law OR you can vote Republican.
You CANNOT do both!
Only a Party of morons would continue to support and defend the most ignorant, incompetent, corrupt, crooked, and totally self-absorbed national politician in US history.

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